
Sunday, October 21, 2012


My brother is getting married this week!
And do you know what?
I get to be in Pleasant Grove for almost 5 whole days.
I'm super happy because it's starting to suck up here.
1. I'm thinking that my roommate steals my clothes when I'm gone.
2. Also thinking that she had sex on my bed this weekend.
3. Alsoo thinking that she steals my favorite pomegranate chocolates from Costco.
4. Someone used the rest of my coconut coffee creamer that I use for pina coladas.
These people don't even drink coffee.
5. It's getting cold. And it's getting cold in PG too but at least I have a fire place there.
6. I don't have a fire place.
7. I miss my family and my boyfriend and Shalla.
The End.

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