
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Objects Can Lie

This morning I woke up at 6:30
and was actually going to be on time to my 7 o'clock history class.
I turned on my phone and ipod,
looked at the screens,
and saw before me two clocks reading 5:52 am.

My alarm clock lied to me.

Who knows how or why it happened,
but my alarm was set an hour early.
I was completely ready for school.
Hair done.
Makeup on.
Am I supposed to just go back to sleep?
Well, I tried.
The result was a weird, half asleep dream.
It looked like this:

My sleep has been taken from me.
Not happy about this.

1 comment:

  1. If I wake up before 8 am on any given day, I want to die. Seminary killed the early bird in me.
