
Friday, December 23, 2011

Story Time

Here is the crazy story of my relationship with Jake
(p.s. this is kind of a lengthy story that gets a tad mushy at the end.
Read at your own risk.)

The first week of summer break my family went to Lake Tahoe, leaving me in PG because I was taking a summer class. Fun as it was staying with my grandparents, I wanted to hang out and have sleepovers with people my age. Some friends that I had grown up with, not seen in an few months, and that now lived half an hour away invited me over for the weekend and I gladly said yes.

Mary is a few years younger than me and her brother, Mike, is my age. We all watched a movie and Mary fell asleep. Long story short Mike and I decided to kiss because we were bored. NOT something I recommend folks. I went home the next afternoon and Mike and I texted. He obviously had some kind of feelings for me which I didn't return, but I continued to text him, again out of boredom (I need a life I know). Mike's texting would turn off at 11 every night and on June 6th we happened to be right in the middle of a conversation when it stopped. Conveniently, Mike was having a sleepover with Jake, his best friend, and decided to continue our chat from Jake's phone.

I now had Jake's number and the next day decided to text him. Why you say? Boredom strikes again! Sheesh, Katie. Anyway, we start to text, and text, and text, text, text. This kid is funny and smart and we seem to have to same sense of humor. I start to like him with out having met him yet and I may or may not have facebook stalked him. Mike wanted to go on a double date with me and have Jake bring someone else but Jake couldn't find anyone to bring, so on June 14th the three of us hung out.

I got there before the boys and was waiting for them in the living room. They walked in and I introduced myself to Jake. I put on a nice calm and cool facade, but the whole time I was thinking, "holy crap he is cute and funny and smart!! Breathe Katie, breathe. But OMG he's so cute ahhh!....." You know girl stuff like that. Oh! And this is the best part. A few days earlier he told  me that he played the guitar AND sang and I was like, "hot." I asked him if he would play me my favorite song, Just Like Heaven by The Cure, when we hung out. He said yes but he's a boy, there was no way he was really going to put effort into learning it for some strange girl he'd been texting the last couple of days. How wrong I was. He learned it and played it and I think my heart melted. This boy was 100% perfect in my eyes at this point.

We kind of flirted all night and even though I said I was just joking around (obviously wasn't) Mike wasn't alright with it and was a bit jealous. The next week, I think it was the 22nd of June, I was going to lagoon and at the last minute the friend I had invited and my dad both couldn't come so I invited the boys. Jake and I established that we both had feelings for each other, which made me quite happy. We were pretty flirty all day at the park, holding hands behind everyone else, sitting by each other as much as we could get away with, stuff that Mike was not happy with. By the end of the night things were pretty awkward because Jake and I weren't making much of an effort to hide our feelings and Mike wasn't making much of an effort to hide his anger. That was the last time Mike and I have seen each other.

Jake and I knew that we would never be able to hang out with Mike again, not the three of us at least,  and didn't know how long it would be before we could see each other again. So we decided to hang out, just us, on June 24th. He took me to my car which was parked in the Walmart parking lot because Mike lived right down the street. Safety first. As I was hugging him goodnight I wanted to kiss him but wasn't about to be the one to initiate it. That is a man's job. He probably could see it in my eyes or something and the next thing I know we had our first kiss. Only 10 days after meeting each other in person. No judging. I was basically on cloud 9 for the rest of the night, or week, or my life...same things.

The next week I went to Park City with my aunts, oma, and mom. Jake and I were texting lots, Mike and I were texting on and off. Finally Mike couldn't keep control of his emotions and decided to call me. The phone call was basically him yelling at me saying how could I go for his best friend, I'm a terrible person, his self esteem was shattered because of me, and lots of other nice things. What could I do? I said sorry over and over, trying to make it better because I was legitimately afraid that he was going to hurt himself. My mom could hear me crying and apologizing from the other room and decided she couldn't take it anymore. She came in, took the phone from me and told him it was not okay to treat me like that. Thank you momma for saving the day. That was the last time Mike and I talked.

Jake and I continued to see each other during the summer but talked about it and decided it was probably going to end up being a summer fling, with us living 30 minutes away from one another. School started and we made time to see each other at our favorite half way point, Smart Cookie. Mike and Jake were still friends at school and had football together. I never got to see Jake during the week because of football and so every weekend we would hang out. For all Mike knew, our relationship didn't last past the end of June, so some problems came up when he started asking Jake who this girlfriend was he was hanging out with every weekend. Thus, Allison Taylor was born, my alter ego.

Jake pulled her out of thin air when Mike was getting curious. Allison Taylor, 19 year old freshman at UVU, has a job on campus and brown hair. I guess Jake secretly likes older women? I was completely fine with this. Anything to keep Mike from knowing and turning in to the unstable, emotional wreck he turned into with just the thought that Jake and I were holding hands. A couple months went by and Mike still thought I was Allison. Jake always referred to me as her, even changing my name in his phone to Allison Taylor.

Stupid as this sounds, I was getting jealous of Ally. Yes, she was me, I was her, but really I was the only one that knew that. Is it so wrong to want your boyfriend to show you off and not have a secret identity for you?? We had our first fight towards the end of October about whether or not he should tell Mike. It only lasted about 3 hours but it still sucked. And to make matters worse, I lost. We decided that it would be better to remain Allison for a while. And I was really fine with it this time, not wanting Jake's friendship with Mike to end because of me.

We began to get sloppy, forgetting little, made up details about Ally and telling some people the ridiculous truth. Finally, a week ago, Jake decided that it was time to come clean and tell Mike. His response was not a pleasant one at first. But now I think he's calming down and putting it in the past. I'm not friends with him at the moment and I don't know if Jake's friendship with him will be the same, but hopefully things will be basically back to normal once school starts. Two good things from this? Allison Taylor is dead, I'm alive, muaha. And Jake is is my FB profile picture. What? I like looking at him.

So there you go. The story of Jake and I. It's a ridiculous one, full of love, jealousy, laughter, anger, and heart ache. But it all turned out alright. I may be young, but my love for him grows more and more every day. And if you think love in high school is impossible think again, because here it is. I may be only 17, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to interpret my feelings. Tomorrow, Christmas Eve, is the 6 month anniversary of our first kiss, and over those 6 months we have both grown. And we have both fallen in love.

Just  humor me and pretend my life in interesting.
Thanks a bunch (:

1 comment:

  1. I really, really, really like this.
    it's even better the second time :)
