
Thursday, June 2, 2011

S-W-C List

Here is a list of things I Shoulda Woulda Coulda done today...but just didn't.

1. Cleaned my room.
2. Gone running.
3. Exercised at all for that matter...
4. Written a dang 8 page research paper. I will be up all night. Thank you laziness.
5. Watched the Dick Van Dyke show or Ever After or both, maybe.
6. Cleaned my bathroom.
7. Done some crafty craft where I get my craft on.
8. Gone to work. AKA put money in the bank for a rainy day. Which would be nice cuz it's awful rainy lately.
9. Whipped out some mad dance moves.
10. Made a good lunch instead of fundip and Vanilla Rooibos tea (which is quite good by the way).

Welcome to my life.

I think there are wayyy to many items on the S-W-C list.
Also, I'm blogging right now...
and not doing things on the list.
That's why it's a DOUBLE faceplam.

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