
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chick Code

I have just discovered the Chick Code.
It is like the Bro Code but probably a lot cooler.
You may check it out here.
The funny thing is that most of them are completely true.
My favorites are:

9) A Chick will drop whatever she's doing and rush to help her Side-Chick when and if she gets dumped. Things required to ensure maximum comfort for your dumped Side-Chick: a shoulder to cry on, arms to hug, things to break, tissues, chocolate, alcohol, chick flicks, angry chick music, popcorn, mani/pedi kit, facial kit, and words aimed to describe what a douche what's-his-face was.

37) A Chick always reserves the right to get miffed if her male companion does not exhibit gentlemanly conduct (i.e. not opening the door for her, not pulling out her chair for her to sit down, not offering to pay, etc.)

72) A Chick always spell-checks.

89) A Chick does not work in the kitchen, nor does she make/bring her man a sandwich.

112) Should a Girl Power song come on, a Chick is expected, at the very least, to shriek about how much she loves that song.

122) A Chick lets guys win half the time. Enough so that he doesn't get bitter, enough so that you'll still feel good about yourself.

139) Chicks are smarter than guys. It's a scientific fact.

You go, girlfriend!
Couldn't resist....

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