
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Not Complaining

I was going to make a list of things that are good in the previous post since all I did was whine but I thought it should just be a new post.
There are positive things in my life people.
1. I have decided on a major! I'm an International Studies girl.
I'm really excited about this because now I feel like I have a purpose up here. 
And one of the classes I'm taking now counts toward it though I didn't know what I would be doing when I signed up for it. 
That was a nice, happy surprise.
2. My bridesmaid dress for the wedding is really pretty.
It's fun to feel exceptionally pretty every once in a while.
3. My bed is wayy too comfortable.
4. I get to be with all my favorite people for the majority of this week. 
That never happens.
5. Jake stares at me while we watch movies with love in his eyes then kisses my cheek.
It's probably the cutest thing ever.
6. I had sushi on Friday and it was magical. Magically delicious.
7. I have the best mom in the world.

I guess my complains and non-complains even out.
Life is pretty great.
One can always find things to be happy about.

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