
Thursday, December 16, 2010


Mega's so addicting!!
If you have an itouch, I advise you not to get this app.
Unless you want to get addicted too (:

ANYWAY! The magnet power is by far my favorite.
It sucks in all the coins and boosts you up
while giving you mega points and height and all this
grand stuff.

It started out at just a blue magnet, nothing really special.
I kept buying and upgrading, buying and upgrading
so now i have the...wait for it

Okay. I don't know if you can read the description
here it is if you can't:
Become a black hole, pulling in everything around you
with a huge vortex that turn all coins into x2 coins.

It's probably the most amazing thing I've seen all week....probably

Look at it!
There's my little guy just gobbling those coins up
and making them times two!

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