
Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I have been in Logan for three days and two nights now.
Going on three days and three nights!
Aweee yeah.

Here are some college things I have figured out since Sunday:
1. Brand new towels are liable to leave blue fuzzies on my dried off body.
2. Noodles expand and when the box says 1/2 a cup it might be serious.
3. I am quickly finding out which shoes I like to walk in.
4. Having a telly with TLC might kill me because I love almost every show on that station.
5. I will drink water if I can reach it.
6. I have to pee.
7. My bottom bunk is actually quite cozy. Every time I lay down there I feel like a cuddle.
8. I feel like Buddy the elf when I take showers in my apartment that was built in 1892 or something.
I'm a college person!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


If you have a twitter account please listen up!

Michalla loves Justin Bieber and it would bring some light into her life to get a shout out from him and especially meet him! Amazing things can happen when people work together and I think that if we spread the word enough something awesome will result.

I'll make it easy for you.
Copy and paste this into your tweet box:
@justinbieber please help an amazing girl that was diagnosed with leukemia have some happiness #jbforthecure
I just timed myself and it takes 6.21 seconds.
You have no excuses!
Lets make it a trend and get some attention!!

Also please spread the word to everyone you can.
This really means a lot to me.

PS - if you don't have a twitter account, please just get the word out!
This has potential to make a sad girl happy.

Friday, August 10, 2012

It's Messed Up...

...that Shalla's zodiac sign is Cancer.

8th grade. We be creepin'
This is where my mind is lately.

I saw Michalla today for the first time.
One of the harder things I've ever had to do.
Seeing her in the hospital with tubes everywhere, bruises on her arms, in so much pain,
it finally sunk it.
I've been hoping it was a dream all week.

She has acute myeloid leukemia and will be going through
and bone marrow transplants.

I want to throw up right now.
Or maybe cry.
She is worried about the way she'll look when her hair is gone.
She is beautiful and always will be.

Michalla is perfect and beautiful.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dazed and Confused

Today is a blur.
My best friend was diagnosed with Leukemia this morning.
On the bright side, it is very curable.
On the down side, she has cancer.
I hate the feeling of helplessness.
There is nothing I can do but love her so much.
Love doesn't make the pain and sickness go away though.

So helpless.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


It's 5 o'clock in the morning.
And I decided to make a gif because I can't sleep.
I was watching youtube videos of Lily Allen and I almost died when I saw this.
She says, "want to see my Keira Knightley impression?"
then juts her chin out and says a bunch of words really fast.

i784vl on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

It's kinda jumpy, but I had to share somehow.
I think I have a girl crush on her.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Happiness and Tingles

I can't even stand how much I love looking at old pictures of my life.

So into this football game
Without a doubt the best family ever
My mom is stunning and I want her whole outfit

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I think I'm dying of laughter and happiness.

It kinda reminds me of Muppets but real life.
People are awesome.